Saturday, August 25, 2007

Somerset Holidays.....Me!!!!!

Hi!!!! To my surprise I recieved my issue today!!! I'm on page 48, an entire page. As always I'm high as a kite when I open one of Stampingtons magazines and theres my ART!!! I Love the little Heart Cage my friend Tamara Comerford sent me for my birthday. I turned it into a collage of me when I was 2 years old. I'm crazy about Hearts and have them all over the house.

The Holiday issue is Wonderful and I want to make many of the beautiful art pieces for me, my house. Next week I will be looking for all the things I need to make the fun and beautiful art in this issue.

The week has flown by. I wanted to get started on Oliver and Owen's Cowboy quilts. I need to get them cut out and quilted soon.. Once I have the boys here I will be much to busy to sew. My daughter Amy and I also bought some Cowboy flannel. With the flannel I can make Baby Owen some bibs. Owen's very messy when he drinks his bottle and has Colic. His mommy, Emily had colic and I thought I would never live through all the crying. It seemed to last for months. I can hardly wait!!!

Posting a photo of My Wire Heart, hugs!!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Me!!! Artchix Home Page!!!! Wow!!!

Its so fun to see my art on the home page at the Artchix Yahoo group!!! I remember when I first learned how to use a computer and type (Hunt And Peck) typing, I found the Artchix Yahoo group. There was only a few posts a week. Then a year later that all changed!!! I've meet and become friends with so many other artists there. The people who are part of the group are all talented and some of them are even Famous Artists!!!!

I Love that Artists who have very busy lives take the time to share their art and encourage everyone to show off their art too!! I've also learned from the Artchix shop website. I was invited to teach an online class, me!!!! It was fun and hope others are using my techniques I shared. Not to bore you all I'm loading a phot from my online Artchix class!!!

Have a great day!!!!!